Daily Capricorn Horoscope March 01 (01/03)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

March 01


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 7/10

Be careful about what you commit to at this time, because you could discover its the tip of the iceberg to something bigger. It could also be others who turn something seemingly simple into something brain-numbingly complex as they move the proverbial goalposts to what youre expected to do. Being clear and strict about your allocation of time might feel like an excessive precaution, but youre right to be jealous about how and where you allocate it.


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 7/10

Someone might question whether or not you have an accurate understanding of a shared matter. As able as you are to defend your position, you dont want to be drawn into unnecessary conflict. It can be frustrating when trying to understand why someone simply cant accept that your perspective differs from theirs. For now, let someone believe they got their way. In time and as certain circumstances change, youll be much better placed to justify your viewpoint.


summary capricorn weekly

Star 10/10

Capricorns are often portrayed unfairly and inaccurately in astrology textbooks - or websites that obtained unfair and inaccurate information from dusty old astrology textbooks! One unfair inaccuracy surrounds you being unable to operate intuitively. To Sea Goats, everything must make sense, and inner voices are more distracting than helpful. You know how powerfully intuitive you are. This week, trust your deepest instinct in the absence of factual information. Even if you dont have all essential facts, trust what youre telling yourself. Then, pursue with all your heart the decision you make.


summary capricorn monthly

Star 8/10

Something connected with your home or family could be an amazing source of luck this month. What arises unexpectedly could bring more than a smile to your face where a domestic matter is concerned. It might be the surprising level of support or advice you receive from a family member that can transform an area of your world. This might coincide with the Solar Eclipse on the 15th that intends to boost your confidence and make better or fuller use of a talent you possess. Feeling more self-assured about an ability is one thing. Seeing clearly how it can boost your earnings is another!


health capricorn daily

Star 7/10

This is a wonderful time to notice what is working in your life. The favorable aspect of the day makes you especially sensitive, and it is recommended that you use this sensitivity toward a positive goal. Look at how well you feel when you exercise even a little bit. Praise yourself for that. Consider how often you prepare fresh and healthy food for yourself. Enjoy that achievement. In fact, pour yourself a big glass of water to celebrate!


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

Todays celestial energy will bring your emotional nature to the surface. Its important to share your feelings with the people you love. Rather than staying safe behind your stance of self-assuredness, confide in others, even if you think it will make you or them uncomfortable. Relationships that are worthwhile, can survive the occasional confrontation. Let your emotions guide you and be sure to say what you feel - dont pretend to know the other persons thoughts. Breathe deeply and collect your thoughts before you speak.


health capricorn weekly

Star 9/10

If any symptoms have been showing up, dont just hope theyll go away. Be safe and get your health professionals opinion. This may be a good time to take an allergy test and check for wheat, lactose, or other food intolerances.


health capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

Expansive Jupiter in your social zone could connect you with some inspiring people. Over this month they may recommend a book, or you could overhear a conversation or watch a video or TV program that seems to speak to you about the wisdom of staying healthy. Go with the flow on this, and if you feel moved to try a new diet or new way of exercising, go for it. Your wellness sector isnt in focus over the weeks ahead. However, a solar eclipse in your sector of values can encourage you to treasure your body and invest in it wisely.


love capricorn daily

Star 10/10

Todays planetary alignment gives you a chance to go to work on a relationship that you thought had failed. If you have been feeling as though you had no hope of enticing your love interest back into your life, then think again. Dare to try one more time, and dont be afraid of being hurt. They probably feel the same way as you, but cant make the first move.


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 10/10

You may be going through something of an experimental phase, as far as your love life is concerned. The planetary configuration indicates that this may continue at least for today, especially as you seem undecided as to which one of the many potential love interests you would like to spend more time with. It is probably best to continue in the same lighthearted vein, at least for the foreseeable future.


love capricorn weekly

Star 8/10

Feeling like a loner in a sea of couples is no fun. Dont volunteer to be the third wheel if you can help it, Capricorn. Your time is better spent elsewhere. If you know youre going to see someone you really like over the weekend, make sure you look your best. If you do, he or she will have a hard time ignoring you!


love capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

Your mood softens when love guru Venus attaches herself to romantic Pisces on March 10. You can be a stickler for detail and following a plan, but this aspect reminds you that love isnt something that can be orchestrated. Let it happen, Capricorn. Youre more suspicious than usual during an unbalanced Mars-Neptune square on the seventeenth, so you might want to do some investigating of a potential new love interest behind the scenes. Are they just exaggerating the truth or hiding something? Theres a big difference. Youre drawn to beautiful physical features during the Cancer moon on March 25 and March 26, but personality is just as important as looks. Dont be fooled by a pretty face.


career capricorn daily

Star 8/10

You are likely to experience difficulties at work thanks to those around you. People associated with your job are being extra critical and argumentative today, setting a rather harsh tone in your work environment. Work alone if you can.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 8/10

You get many of your ideas from television or movies, which is fine, but just make sure that you integrate these concepts with a grain of salt. Remember that these depictions are fantasy, not reality. It is important to distinguish the two.


career capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

This is the time for you to get rid of anything concerning your job or workspace that doesnt support your best interests and long-term goals. These are especially positive days to work with friends on the job. Be willing to collaborate and ask for help. Careful preparation will see an easing of limitations and delays. Postpone any new start for a while. Take some time out to play.


career capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

Dont promise more than you can deliver near March 3, when you might be prone to exaggeration. Practice financial restraint around the tenth, when sudden expenses could throw a wrench into your budget. A solar eclipse on March 15 may attract a sudden moneymaking opportunity. Youll welcome the chance to be well paid for bold ideas and innovative proposals. Make sure to give positive feedback to a newcomer on the twenty-first. Your encouragement will pave the way to a rewarding professional alliance. You could get fame and acclaim for professional contributions near March 25. Get ready for your closeup.



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